This horse chestnut is one of my good friends. Like all horse chestnuts, it exudes generosity and well-being and it certainly blooms where it is planted.
This beauty seems to thrive on its busy urban street corner and welcomes me every time I pass. Each year it puts out a huge canopy of leaves, white candelabra-like flowers, and nuts. It never holds back but grows in vitality and stature.
It invites friendship and many return visits. Horse chestnut has advised me to give, give, give. It is an abundant and social tree enthusiastically embracing life and all that it meets.
Find one. Its vibration and frequency will calm your nervous state and soothe your mind into quiet. Horse chestnut can align you with the abundance and open-hearted generosity that flows through all things and unites us as one being.
It invites you to share your radiance and when you have an urge to connect and to give, do it joyfully.
It is a magical and sweet time to be in the trees. There is so much going right now from the wild colors of the redbud and hawthorn to the quiet and demure fairy-like trillium.
Join me for a Forest Bathing+Connect with Trees walk on Saturday, May 4th from 3-5 pm at the Hoyt Arboretum. It is $22.00 which includes a $3.00 donation to the Arboretum. You will leave renewed, centered and happy.
I love doing the personal Tree Transformation Sessions because each is so unique. In the session, you choose from my Tree Cards and meet these trees and others that beckon. You may have the intent to resolve an issue or to simply gain insight and experience the transformation that happens with these mighty tree beings.
Any question is appropriate. You may want the experience or insight offered or have a specific issue. I have experienced the healing of deep grief, physical problems, and stuck emotional energy with people during their session. There have been many "ah ha" moments. The cards point the way and the trees do the magic, working with your energy in a powerful connection. Each session lasts about 2-2 1/2 hours and is $95.00. I am also offering a series of 4 at $300.00.
Talking about those cards. They are really good! Tree Transformation Card Readings over tea at the Chinese Gardens is a special experience. It lasts about 1 1/2 hours and includes your entrance to the Gardens and tea! $75.00.
Or, send me your question or issue and I will tune in while in the trees and pull your cards. I then record your reading and send the audio to your email. $30.00.
Also, if you would like to schedule a group Forest Bathing+Connect with Trees walk, please let me know.
This is so much fun and so transformative. Like a spring rebirth of your spirit.