The best remedy is connection.
Connection is most directly and easily achieved not by talking and using your mind, but by opening to the big heart of it all and YES this is right now available through meeting trees, the biggest, most generous and wisest of connectors.
Hard to believe, I know.
So simple. Meet the tree in your yard, on your street corner, in the park, or best, in an old growth forest where the impact is so undeniable and complete that you know you are part of life and of the earth.
Each tree, each species transmits a pure energy vibration. We are all energy, we know that. Our energy can be steadied and uplifted and balanced through meeting a tree.
We can feel comforted and met and also open to the calm and clear answers that come from life through us when we quiet our mind.
It is so cool. So available. It is a choice.
I have been doing this discovery for 12 years with ever increasing awe in the process. I would love to show you how and to help open this great connection in your life.
Personal Transformation Session in the Trees $70.00 (reg. $95.00)
This is a 2+hour session. It is powerful and life-changing and works for any situation from releasing stress and anxiety, finding clarity and wisdom, the realignment with your life purpose, releasing sadness and grief, connection with your creative pursuits, spiritual alignment, and presence, really, I have found that the perfect wisdom and awareness found in trees know what you need and it is uncovered in these sessions.
Forest Bathing+Connect with Trees Walk
Mark Your Calendar! Next walk is Sunday June 23, 3:00-5:00 pm.
About Those Readings
They are clarifying, interesting, inspiring and a bit life-changing.
Big Special Right Now and for Just a Bit Audio Tree Transformation Card Readings Special: $20.00, (reg. $30.00)
This is a great personal gift, for someone or for yourself. Tree cards selected just for your topic and an audio recording emailed. The readings and insights are spot on and connect with trees that transmit answers in response to your inquiry.
Tree Card Readings at the Chinese Gardens or in the Trees $55.00 (reg. $75.00) Chinese Garden readings include entrance fee and tea!
This is an in-depth reading and can cover many questions. The reading will add depth to your thinking, open you to new directions and ways of being and connect you to the presence and support found in nature.