We go to connect with and to experience the energy of trees. Stopping to meet a tree that calls to you, that catches your attention, and understanding that you can actually meet this tree, this other being, is life changing.
Why do this? Trees offer awareness of us and our emotional states. This is surprising, but trees are uncannily aware of us. They have no thoughts, no mind interference, that forms a barrier; therefore, they are always present. They transmit a pure high frequency energy and each species, each tree, has a very different transmission just like we do. We are drawn to the tree that has something to offer us at that moment.
When we meet someone, we don't know them by their appearance and clothing, although that is information, we know them by the energy that they transmit. This is the same with meeting trees.
Why trees specifically? The oldest conifers have been on the plant for 350 million years. They know life on and in the earth. They know how to live together in harmony and how to survive in their connected forest community.
As humans, until this recent time of technology and isolation, we have always gone to the trees. For everything! We have sought out trees for healing, wisdom, guidance, joy, peace, ceremony, legal decisions, help with our deepest longings, food, shelter and more. We have recognized the great beings that trees are. We have understood that we are of the earth, part of, not the whole thing, not here to dominate, but here to live harmoniously.
In many cultures, to cut down or harm a tree brought harm or death to the one who violated the tree. In many places, trees are not killed for a nice straight road, but the road is respectfully built around the tree. This reverence for life creates sustenance, and we are in desperate need of this approach now. We suffer from loneliness, anxiety, depression in unprecedented numbers. Trees can heal this. Trees can heal our separation.
Trees can heal much of our personal and collective pain.
You can learn to meet trees, to heal and to receive guidance.
Meeting Trees is dedicated to this purpose, to adding as much correction as possible to the current disconnect and pain that too many are experiencing. Separation is painful Separation from nature, trees and the earth, is separation from us as we are nature.