Get Connected, Happy, and Wise
Course, including videos, exercises, meditations, and information is available on registration, and the adventure is outside, in your backyard, forest, park, or even on your street, wherever you find your trees.
Available Now
Connecting with trees is like nothing else, it sweetly lifts you to another dimension, a place of curiosity, intelligence, profound knowing, and light-heartedness.
You will find that each species has a very different energy just like we do.

Tree Speak!
Step out
of this mind-crazy world.
This course is not about information, but about stepping out of information into direct experience.
It is about the joy of connecting, exploring, and grounding with earth, trees, and being.
You will experience the mind-boggling energy shifts offered by meeting trees and learn how to get your own answers.
You may get messages from your trees.
You will have a relationship with your trees.
You will experience greater sensitivity to energy and enjoy stillness.

If you love trees and want to go deeper into actually connecting with their energies and learning from them.
It is perfect for you if you are in a life-transition and want perspective and connection.
It is perfect for you if your life seems topsy-turvy and just too crazy. You need to deeply connect with source, with the earth, with trees and your being.
This course is for you-
The course is available on registration, and the adventure is outside, in your backyard, forest, or park, even on your street—where ever you find your trees.
There are 5 modules, each with a video, sensory and presence exercises, Tree Transformation Card instruction, meditation, and journaling.
There will be monthly group zoom calls to share your experiences and ask any questions.
You will receive bonus information including cool tidbits, meditations, and exercises to deepen your experience.
This is what happens-
This is it!
Humans and Trees
You have a connection with trees. It is in your bones, in your ancient memory.
Allow yourself to recover and explore your ancient-rooted connection as this is the connection of heart-opening simplicity that unites us as one consciousness with all life forms. Tune-in with a Tree Transformation Oracle Card Reading.
Trees Are Aware of Us
We are of the earth. Connect with earth energy and feel it in your body.
Meditation to connect with the earth and experience grounding and knowing.
Recognize when a tree calls to you and begin to meet it.
Explore! Exercises to increase your sensitivity to tree energy.
Begin to experience the unique and very real energy of your tree.
Tune-in with Tree Oracle Cards, journal.
The Essential Shift: Get out of your head!
Exercises to energetically be in your body and be present. Go deeper with the Tree Cards using Spruce and Tupelo.
Experience the vitality and aliveness, the consciousness, that is everywhere. Bathe in the energy found in a tree community.
Meet a tree that calls to you. Lean in, take in the tree—colors, textures, smell, canopy, and physically connect. Take in the tree’s energy, its frequency.
Tips on connecting more deeply, moving through resistance.
Meditation to be in awake stillness and quiet.
Explore: Adventure and Discovery
Unleash your curiosity and let your latent explorer take charge.
Move your body, connect with the earth, engage your senses, and be present.
Meet three new trees. Experience the different vibrational frequencies they transmit.
The Big Web of Love and Being meditation.
Draw 3 tree cards, journal.
Trust the Answers That You Receive
Prepare to move into deeper connection, knowing and awareness. Choose five tree cards. Tune-in, engage your senses, get out of your head and go to a tree that calls to you. Align your chakras with the body of the tree. Feel in your body, in your chakras, where the tree energy is most connected to you.
Learn to move through any resistance or energetic blockage. Trees can sense this energy constriction and assist in restoring flow.
Meditation: Unshackled heart-felt knowing/wisdom/joy. Give yourself permission to connect and receive. Life and trees love you.
Let the tender shoots of your wisdom come through.
Cultivate Relationships
Use your knowing to connect with trees that call to you.
Get out of your head and take in the individual tree's presence and energy.
Practice presence by going deeper into the stillness and vitality from the earth, trees, sky, and the air.
Meditation: Open to receive answers and or messages.
Choose a spot and sit in peaceful connection.
Do the Tree Spread from the Tree Transformation Card deck and journal.
Take Away
Be Like a Tree
Choose one Tree Transformation Card and when you interact with people put forth the energetic qualities of that tree in your meeting. Reflect.

The Introduction and Course are Available to You When You Join.
The introduction includes: Introductory Video
The Beginning Story
Tree Transformation Oracle Card How to Video
The modules are yours to keep.
Private Facebook group membership is included, plus
Group Zoom Meetings are at 11:00 am PT on the first Sunday of every month.
The course is $97.00
Tree Transformation Oracle Cards are $38.00
copyright 2023, Flora Rudolph, all rights reserved